Wild camp on Hart crag..Jan 2019

So the start of 2019 saw us moving house after 20 yrs,never moving again.Sadly i was ill nearly all the christmas break,so a return to the hills was very much needed I never set my alarm and amazingly slept till 8 am so was a bit late meeting up with Lee As we both have been off the hill the last month or two we choose an easy first trip and had a walk up over Low& High pike,thick clag was our only companion as we crossed over to Dove crag We dropped down a little ways for water and were soon stamping down snow for camp, just a few minutes back from Hart crag summit Food was one of my favs from Bla-Bland supplied by Basecamp foods as usual I looked out a few times but sadly the clag never moved off till just before dawns it was a relaxing evening Dawn was so-so but the inversion and light we were treated to for the next few hours was special The East and N...