A camp on Red screes summit with my brother Ross .May 2019

The night before i had been with some friends up on Wetherlam saying our goodbyes to a friend who had sadly passed,after a breakfast in her and mine favorite Coniston cafe Meadowdore,i said my goodbyes to them I drove up and over to Hawkshead and met some of my family at Wray castle,from there i went with one of my brothers over to Ambelside Ross moved away many years ago and is now in Vancovour,it being two years since he had been home it was good to be out together on the hills i love It was only a short outing,we strolled up Scandale to the pass and then up onto Red screes summit,pitching in a spot ive used a few times ...last time had been with Geoff on a very wet outing ! All the lakes is very dry at this time but i was still surprised how dry the tarn was on the summit,id already hunted out and collected our camp water The views were great and vast in nearly all directions as w...