Sarek National Park Sept 2024.MLD Trailstar ......Day 2

Day 2 started dry,there had been some overnight rain,but unfortunately no clear skies.We were away for 8 am with what looked like on the map some wet ground to cover The ground was exceedingly wet as made our way across the pathless ground,but full of colur,in all the mosses and linchens.All sat under a grey sky.But we did get to spot some herds of deer as we made our way across too the river,we needed to cross This is where i crossed it was very nearly leg deep for the last two steps ! but not too fast or cold,well not icey cold at least.As soon as id crossed i stripped of my trousers and socks and wrung them out Old Sami shelter I set off a bit quicker and soon had the heat back in my legs and socks soon started to dry out,above my brother who choose to cross further up stream,too quick looking for my liking Once we had warmed up some we stopped for lunch on a higher bump in the land,a few deer looked up and just carried on past t...