Some fresh lakeland ground ! Blengdale too Yewbarrow

Lee had stayed over in Wasdale so we left his car at the bottom of Yewbarrow and drove mine across to Gosforth I,ve looked out across the barren moorland/woodlands that heads to the coast from Caw a few times and wandered about sometime visiting this area,today was the day A play with social hiking map showed an array of remote Birketts so i plotted a route between them all,bringing us up onto Caw for a camp I,d recently caught a comment about a Tramplite shelter,maybe being for sale (sadly wont work for me and Oscar) so i mentioned it to Lee..its a stunning shelter The day was a great wander,with lots of pathless ground and great views all around,the wind had a sharp bite when it blew in,but camp saw the temp raise up to 16c in the sun,with a grass frost over night Tea was another from James at Basecamp foods and it was fantastic,was great tasting,rehyrated b...