Norway/Sweden with two MLD Trailstars Sept 2019..Day 5

Day 5 starts wet and stays wet,till into the mid afternoon.We packed slowly and tried to delay but the rain looked set in so after packing everything away,while still under the Trailstar,we stepped into the rain and set off,after pushing our wet shelters into there bags We never saw a soul all day and only some smoke above the chimney at the huts at Unna Allakasstugorna,gave away any presence of the folk within them Not many pics as it was just wet Not long after here we made a lazy decision and ended up climbing to far uphill,a bit of redirection and we found the track we had meant to climb on The rain was not really heavy but it was a hood up/head down sort of day,we stopped opposite the lake at Skangalanjavri for dinner.There seemed to be a lot of huts on the other side,im not sure if someone said they tried to mine Tin there ? The day picked up a little and the rain turned to showe...