
Thirlmere loop March 2025

P I’ve thought about a loop of Thirlmere for many years and have a few in my head,but with a forcast of strong SE winds and the rain mixed in on the next day,I had decided to not go…but I changed my mind  Parked up in the free parking past Swirls carpark I set off on a lovely path that hugged the shoreline of Thirlmere,with the wind was strong already these feathered friends were hiding in one of the bays Two jets screamed through the valley followed an hour or so after by another two ( Or a 2nd lap ?) but I didn’t get a good shot of them,crossing the dam wall the wind was howling a good steady 30 mph  I followed the standard path up towards Raven crag but at the top turned North.Here I had the Birkett of the The Benn to collect and what a stunning top it is,so I sat a while and had a snack.Havent been trying to do the Birketts list,but this was 540/541 with Pillar rock left to finish Just as I was leaving I heard the rumble of a plane and watched one of the big beasts slowly ...

Dodds wild camp Feb 2025

I met up with my brother Jamie and we drove on the last bit and parked up just past Swirls car park and we’re off for 9 am ish  It was a nice crisp cold winters morning,the drive up had started in fog but that had mostly finished around Windermere  There was a crossing by the Red Arrows but think we were not under the flight path enough,but did get to watch this guy wing it’s way slowly along the Thirlmere valley  Cloud was building up but never made its way past Dunmial/Hellvelyn  to reach us  Hart crag in the distance  Ski tow hut  We had a nice stroll up to Stybarrow Dodd and a wander out too Hart side,doubling back we walked across to Watsons Dodd.Having a hunt around for water we loaded up and had a slow heavy plod up to Great Dodd summit  We had pitched early ish so enjoyed the views but the cold wind meant I made use of the tent door way to watch some of those views Tonight’s tea was a favourite,supplied as always by my fave supplier Baseca...