Two Duomids plus an X-mid....Ravenglass 3 day loop... Aug 2021

It’s been way too long since I’ve seen Matt,so it was great to finally catch up again,my brother Jamie making us a trio


With it being a Bank holiday wknd,we knew it would be extra busy in the Lakes,so I plotted us out a 3 day route,starting from Ravenglass 

We departed the train at 8-30 am under clear blue skies on Friday morning,Matt had stayed over in our cabin in the garden and Jamie had stayed at our parents house,a few miles from my house 

Not far from the station you pass the old Roman baths ruins,before passing Muncaster castle,a long lane then leads steadily upwards to the beautiful Muncaster Tarn 

A short while later and we reach the lovely peak “ Hooker crag” even at its small height it gives great views of the route we have yet to cover and most of the west side of the Lakes   

Irton road bridge seemed a good place for our lunch ,wraps were eaten as we watched the lall ratty steam train,carrying its happy passengers along the narrow track,below and past us 

The forest paths lead us too Irton Fell and then onto the stunning Screes that plunge into Wast Water,it was the first time Jamie had been and the weather helped with stunning views as we continued to sweat in the warm weather of the day 

We were lucky enough to find some water as we traversed the top of the Screes so the last pull up onto the final summit was at a slower pace with the extra water on board

                                                         Jamie in his new MLD Duomid and inner tent    

At last the heat started to leave the day and a very tasty meal filled a hole as we continued to filter more water,this theme of finding water and guzzling it down was to stay with us for the whole 3 days of the trip

Only took a few quick shots as my bed was calling me 

It was a lovely dry night,but so heavy in dew, the dawn started nice and cool,but we could see it was going to hot again,Jamie reported back he was very happy with all the room his Duomid gave him 

         Sub making a warm appearance as it crept over the ridge of Slight side and Scafell

Gruesome three some Day 2 

Today started with a descent down towards Burnmoor tarn,through heavily dewed long grasses,which are starting to turn the lovely browns,yellows of Autumn 

After a long plod up,dripping in the heat we finally pulled onto the crest of Scafell,the cloud was playing on the very tops,giving glimpes of the other grand peaks around here,plus the hoards over on Scafell pike 

Matt surveying some of the very best of Lakelands ground,after Slight side we cut down and across,into the Great moss area and another chance to quench our thirsts again 

River Esk

A meandering route took us across and around the valley and the many small peaks,till we followed a faint path up to the summit of Hard knott,our camp for the night   

It was a great place to camp and enjoy the view,as it cooled down nicely as we brewed and ate the evening away 

As shelter door views go this one was none to shabby

Took a few night shots but the heat of the day made lounging a better evening past time..Dawn on our third day,gave us an inversion,but only out to sea from Ravenglass


One of the new members of the MLD owners group 

Seemed a shame to get moving on a lovely morning,but the train station was some way away and we had two more hills to cross before we reached it

The day was cooler,but still warm and it was hot work,with no breeze as we crossed the top of Hardknott pass then made our way up to the summit of Harter fell 

We crossed the wet boggy ground between Harter and Green crag,relatively dry and the started on our way to the valley 


Love to look at how well  built these old Shepard huts are built and try to imagine living and working here

The route back just followed the valley bottom back,after a nasty crossing of the main road we picked up the path through Muncaster castle and the the final miles down to the coast and Ravenglass us just 10 mins to wait for the 16.52 pm train back down the coast  

 The route came in at Day 1  18.2 k    932m ascent 
                                   Day 2  12.7 k   940m ascent
                                   Day 3  23.0k    510m ascent 
                                   Totals 53.9k  and 2383m of ascent      

                              Thanks for looking and safe travels Peter


  1. Now that looks like a cracking bimble Sir.

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures and soul lifting moments along your journey. Cheers


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