Langdale wild camp,Duomid...meeting Rich and Dean ..May 18

First i must apologise as this is another picture heavy blog,but the light kept coming once the sun had set.A bit ago Rich asked me for a four day route to keep him busy, roll on a month or so and i hear hes off to do it
I thought it would be rude to not meet him for at least the first day 

Rich was picking up his friend Dean Read the "Peaks man" and would be arriving around dinner time,but as i knew parking would be tight, due to the good weather,i arrived at 9 ish
I only found a parking at the very end of the valley as it was 

I had a few Syng peaks id not got in the area so i went to find them.In the picture below its the one on the right Whitegill crag

Even though it was windy at home and forcast,in the Langdale valley it was calm,making it a hot and sweaty pull up to the summit.Its well worth a visit this peak,theres a lovely ravine running up beside it 

Above is Blea rigg,i went over this and along to Little Castle How  and i sat and read for a few hours on here,hiding from the really strong wind,waiting for the lads to arrive 

After meeting up we chatted as we made our way over the various Wainwright peaks and up to High Raise,it was great that weather was so good as it gave them the best of views to soak up 

Then it was time to find a pitch that got us out of the wind but still gave us some great views,dropping off the West side of Thunacar Knott,a little ways we stumbled on a lovely sweet spot

All pitched up we went on the hunt for some water, which is a bit scarce these past few dry weeks, luckily we soon found some and filled up 

We had a few brews but the heat was still in the sun, so no one wanted after a nice rest we strolled over to bag Harrison Stickle,these lads are keen.

I phoned the wife and then strolled back to camp,leaving the boys to nip over and see the views from Pavey Arks summit 

For tea it was back to an old favorite Bla Bland it was very quickly polished off, wont be long and ill need to place another order to Basecamp foods šŸ˜‹  šŸ˜‰

Ive tried to cull the pictures but the colour was just superb and just kept coming and changing in colour & shading 

Rich had a mate who was coming up late to join them on there trip.  Dean and I just chatted away while taking pics and looking out for the lads coming back 

These pictures were taken between 10 and 10-30 pm 

Rich and his mate came in at 10-30 ish and he soon had his tent up and supper on,there was still good colour in the sky at 11-20 pm 

Days end picture above, and then at 4-30 am below,Days start again

You could see a bank of cloud, around Kirkstone pass area 

After catching some lovely light we walked back to camp and had another 40 winks before breakfast

The "Peaks man" enjoying a Lakeland dawn

Breakfast eaten i walked with the others over to Pike of Stickle ,then we went and bagged Loft crag too...these lads are peak hungry 

From there we parted company and i headed down to bag my last Syng peak in the area.Pike Howe gave a lovely view into the valley

It had been 18c when i left them on Loft crag but when i reached the valley it was 28c ..way to hot for this lad 

It was a good short trip and great to meet Rich,Dean and Rich's mate whos name i cant remember ..
I hope the lads enjoyed the rest of there trip,it must have been a very few warm days ....Safe travels Peter

Heres a video i did of the trip 

And another i did one with and without music im keen to see which people prefer  ?


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