Pre the Trek-lite meet,June 2018

So that time of year came round for a meet up of Trek-lite members,the previous one was i remember a very wet affair,but came good on the 2 nd evening.After nearly a month and a half of sunny warm weather as the date approached some evil wizardy made short work of the weather pattern !

Sadly ? i couldnt make the Saturday meet,but did manage to meet up with 2 others on the Thursday and then Friday night.After work on the Thursday i nipped home quickly picked up my pack and drove up to Kentmere,by 4-30 pm i was heading upwards under a windy blue sky 

I was keen to get to the camp spot,which Paul had picked so i was up and over Kentmere pike and then Harter fell,i looked down and spotted Pauls shelter at the far end of Small water

Collecting water on the way down i choose the direct route straight down from the summit and by 6-15 pm i was saying to hello to "Mr Cuben"  ...Paul from Treadlite gear 

It was a fine evening with the odd little blow through but we spent most of the evening chatting and looking to see if any others might arrive here too

The night stayed mostly dry but windy with a few really big gusts trying to move the shelters through the night 

The day started dry and nice and after listneing to Pauls lullabys during the night and morning, we were heading up the pass a little after 9 am 

We passed the small shelters,near the tarn and chatted away as we made our way up to the wee shelter at the top, just before we left here we got hit by a hard cold shower,pushed in on a strong SW wind 

Sadly it was from this point i had to walk with a fella in a skirt !?%$£

 We arrived on High street after 11 ish and Paul said it would be rude to not have another coffee while we waited to see if Robin arrived,as he and Paul had planned 

Robin arrived and we had an early afternoon snack, while the clouds shot over us 

The wind was there but wasnt so strong now,it was nicely dry still too

Due to some noise the night before i choose to put several yards between me and Mr Treadlite,i had a look around and there was plenty of space if some of the rest arrived

We picked some spots to camp,using the wall as a handy windbreak and i checked on my phone to see where some of the others were, most seemed to be out and about in the area,enjoying the cooler fresher weather the meet was bringing 

Not long after pitching Robin found he had forgotten his important brew gear,so he decided to have a walk back down for it,me and Paul just chilled 

Que product placement,it was another new one to me and thankfully was really tasty again and hydrated well,i do find that adding a good 5 minutes to the times gives a better taste 

As Robin was away i kept an eye on his Scarp and walked back unto the summit and off the back of it 4 times just looking to see if i could see him or any others arriving 

The evening was ok but the wind kept up,not really strong but almost cold the temp never got much higher than 12c,sadly no more T.L s turned up 

During the night the rain came in and the wind picked up, sadly i had to be home to let Mrs D have her wknd trip away, so i said my goodbyes and was on the hoof just after 8 am

Sadly you could not even see the summit cairn in the morning 

Temp at 5 am

I still hoped the weather might ! blow through and give some inversion so i just followed my route back over the pass and then back up over Harter fell and Kentmere pike.Safe to say it was head down into a stiff and very wet wind 

 This fine old vehicle was sat in rain as i passed it again, by 10-30 i was back in the car and heading home, with a boot full of wet gear 

It was good to meet Paul and Robin,but a shame the weather spoilt it being a bigger meet up, next time 

Thanks for looking and safe travels Peter

Heres a vid of the trip


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