Dromochtor Munros day 2

Overnight the temp dropped down too a cool -10.1c I woke snug and warm to find inner frozen inside and out,likewise the outer too 🙄,time for the first brew of the day 

But you could see it was going to be a stunning blue sky day….snow,big hills,comfy pack and blue skies always make the soul happy 

In nearly every direction you looked you could see the tracks of animals rushing around trying to take on food and water in the meagre daylight hours of a Scottish winter 

After a few brews and breakfast we got packed away,the frost nipping at finger ends as I wiped the frost from both sides of the inner,i then packed it away separately,Outer wiped down and stored away too,we were on the move for more views

In the distance you could see a large inversion,sadly this very slowly made its way towards us,but didn’t arrive till 4 pm luckily 

For most mountain folk this peak does not need naming,but for others it’s Schiehallion,another of the Munro peaks

Today there was only one new Munro and it was Sgairneach Mhór 991m,I had hoped we would have time to drop and cross the road to pick up 2 more Munros,but time was not on our side..the views kept delaying progress 

We left the summit and dropped too cross the Allt Coire Dhomhain at the new bridge,looking at the water your could see huge sections that were solid ice,the cold must have really sank down into this hollow 

We had a snack and drink at the bridge and weighed up the options,i did not think we had enough time to get too and cross the road and get up high again,so after a gaze over the map we decided to camp on Boar of Badenoch 739m

I assume these lovely ! shapes are for the Grouse killers ?

We left the pack and had a good long search for water,finding it just before we were going to give up.Then just as we shouldered  our packs again Jamie spotted these guys crossing in front of us 

I spied a track heading upwards as we had been heading down,not shown on the map,so when we found it,it proved a helpful route up

We then raced the inversion that we had been looking over earlier as it slowly gained on us,catching us as we reached the summit and found 2 pitches 

Sadly the clag stayed all night as the temperature sank,covering all in thick frost,i looked out at 3 am and it had cleared but the moon was spoiling the night sky so i turned over and went back too sleep 

Another cold night but to follow another blue sky day was starting to dawn 

Pre-dawn colour started to colour the sky as we started to get some gear packed away and I got my 2 nd brew on 

I thought these hills were the Cairngorms but someone suggested Monadhliath mountains,which I think might be right 

One of latest new pieces of kit was a super warm down hat from the talented Alpinelite…very very warm,great for camp and while packing all the gear away 

Can you see the path down I made ?

Even at 9-30 am and in the valley heading back to the car it was -7c 

After getting changed and getting all the car de-iced and unfrozen,we headed down to Pitlochry for a hearty break


This will be the last trip,probably of the year …..thanks for looking 
Safe travels Peter 


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