Sweden walk 2022...Day 6 Two Trailstars across the Tundra

With our night time Aurora show last night we were tired and slower to get fed and on our way,but with no shelters to pack away the delay was not too long 

There was some nice early morning light around but i was keen to get away,to cross the first of the 3 passes on this section,known as the JoJo trail.Made up of 3 high passes,theres not much info on conditions or recent crossings,but some info seem to suggest this first pass was the tricky one,as the snow/glaciers have retreated so much in recent yrs,making them much steeper  

If Carling made "Loos with a view"

We left our late arrivals to a longer breakfast as we set of towards the pass,small frozen pools showing that last night had been cold 

            The valley Unna Reaiddavaggi,pics above and below 

This is the route i took us up,it should have been done with spikes and at least an axe,if im honest with myself.But taking slow progress and with help from the  over night freeze,plus a few frozen in rocks i slowly got us up and over it.With hindsight i would not do it again withous an axe 

                      First section above and below pics

                                                Traversing across section

Halfway up as we traversed right there was a lot of ice and loose rock,requiring care and concentration

         Two pictures above and below showing last traverse left again                                          to the top of the pass

Unna hut just to the right of Lake

I was very relieved when we reached the top and it was good to see the route ahead looked easier.The views were stunning as were the two towering peaks either side of us.The pass topped out at 1450m (4757ft) A sugary Torq bar helped to replenish the legs 

Pass No2 ahead

Snow fields and boulders took us to the high valley floor,left over snow banks showing just how much snow falls on these Northern lands 

We took our dinner break and tried to absorb our surroundings,it’s hard  to when it’s so immense,the weather helped too

Google app tells me this little beauty i spotted is a Northern firmoss also known as Fir club moss

The second pass was a slow bouldery climb up,but the  view from this pass was very much worth it 

The peak of Pyramiden (1900m 6233ft ) ,where it meets Jamies head is the top of the first pass

Jamie taking in the view from pass two,looking at (i think) the peak of Giebmebakti (2043m 6702ft )

On loose rocks and boulders we made our way carefully down to the valley floor,i decided that we would camp and not tackle the last pass as its descent looked hard and was on or near a glacier.But the valley bottom had other ideas and hide all camping spots 

Up there 2.5 k away is where we dropped into this valley,below another 2-3 slow kilometre away is where we finally found a spot to camp 

When we found a spot it was at least a great spot too,near the foot of Drakryggen peak

It had been a long tiring day but very rewarding,although cold the weather had been good too.It was so good to have gotten camp up and lay down with a brew in hand and tea to soon follow.

Thanks again to my favourite meal and snack provider    
Basecamp foods  



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