Bearpaw Pyranet TS shaped inner

So just a quick set of pics,got this second hand from Whiteburn as I've fancied,after 5 yrs of not owning one,trying a shaped inner under the TS ..A little over 400g fits well,will see how I get on with it over coming months. Theres 4 mid point guy out points ive put a plastic lid under two here just to show there position Last owner had a very clever bungy and cord set up for corner guys,all ive done is swap the 3mm cord for 2mm as i thought it had a little too much pull Theres only one door and its on the right and so it pitches best with it on the right of the shelter,seems to be plenty of room,the 1mm bungy mid ish hieght tye outs hold it in shape really well Wooftub and Pyranet inner Full size matt fits well,so real testing to comence soon ..