Twenty Nineteens Wild camps

So the first camp of 2019 came in on the 19th Jan with a camp on Hart crag,with Lee No views on the way up and all night,but the next door brought some very nice light Next was a camp on Castle How,with Lee, above the Langdales on a day of deep snow,in the valley approaches March 23rd saw me pitched up on Grey Friar summit The week after saw me camped on Rannerdale,with Matt April 13th saw me spend two nights on a loop of Mallerstang,with Lee again April 19th saw me return to Scotland to collect the Ben Starava munros,for Lees munro round ,with 2 nites camping 5th of May saw me camped just of Crinkle crags ridgeline Sadly the 18th of May saw a few of meet up to remember Kate Tyler who sadly left us all...Rip Kate...with Ste,Dan and Shirley The next night i camped out with one of my brothers,Ross, who was visiting from his home i...