Pre the Trek-lite meet,June 2018

So that time of year came round for a meet up of Trek-lite members,the previous one was i remember a very wet affair,but came good on the 2 nd evening.After nearly a month and a half of sunny warm weather as the date approached some evil wizardy made short work of the weather pattern ! Sadly ? i couldnt make the Saturday meet,but did manage to meet up with 2 others on the Thursday and then Friday night.After work on the Thursday i nipped home quickly picked up my pack and drove up to Kentmere,by 4-30 pm i was heading upwards under a windy blue sky I was keen to get to the camp spot,which Paul had picked so i was up and over Kentmere pike and then Harter fell,i looked down and spotted Pauls shelter at the far end of Small water Collecting water on the way down i choose the direct route straight down from the summit and by 6-15 pm i was saying to hello to "Mr Cuben" ...Paul from Treadlite gear It was a fine evening wit...