Honister wild camp.March 2020

After one of the worse February's i can remember it was good to see a message pop up from Darron Linney,him and Max were up for a trip and did i fancy meeting up with them Its a drive right up thought the Lakes for me to get to Honister so i was away early, but as i had made good time i stopped on the roadside as i passed Derwent water,it looked to be the start to a nice day I waited for them on the last big lay-by/park area on the way up to Honister mine and after a short wait they arrived.Darren was full of a heavy cold,lent to him by one of his grandkids....Max was bursting to get out on the hills It was a still day as we climbed up past the mine works and then across to Dubbs hut,a quick look inside and Darren noticed that this hut had been visited,like all the others,by the guy who visited them all fitting a hook for coats to the back of the door As we climbed a bit higher the wind picked up a bit and the temp dro...