
Showing posts from December, 2016

Twenty Sixteen wild camps

It seems to have been a quiet year for camps for a few reasons,but I seem to have been out at least every month again,on I think 23 night   Januarys frist camp was near to Three tarns with Matt Holland and Lee Taylor,shortly after pitching a storm hit us that was still trying to remove us at 7 am...snow,hail and sleet blown in on a 30-60mph gusting wind,we left in the dark ! Februarys camp was with Alex Atkinson and Lee again.Same valley,Langdales but this time we crossed over the Crinkles,Bowfell and camped near Rosset pike,another windy cold night....but a stunning dawn     Februarys second camp was with Ste Mack and Lee,this time a traverse of the Coniston fells and a nice camp on Grey Friar Februarys third camp was one night on Thornthwaite crag on my own and the second on Snarker pike with Lee March saw me in the Howgills for two nights with Lee ...