Two days up and round from Garsdale,North Yorks

The Holiday season makes the Lakes busy,so i decided on visiting some new ground,so ended up making a loop from Garsdale in the North Yorks...

I was there early so that i could check out some parking,Lee arrived  at 7 pm and we were soon following the sun up the valley as it headed downwards,taking the temprature with it 

The ground was really rough and it took some finding to get a flattish area to pitch up,but we found one in the shape of a quad bike track 

The night brought a good frost of 3.7c and the shelters had a heavy coverign of frost in the morning..i should mention that the wid was with us from the that we were constantly in a minus windchill,for all of the 3 days we were here 

Even with the biting wind we had some great views in all directions  as we packed our gear away 

Having not been to this area before i was keen to grab a few peaks,this being the case my route had a big "Dog leg" as we headed right out to Great Shunner Fell

The wind had been at us all day so when we reached High Seat we decided to head round to the West side to try and get out of the wind,we partly managed this and it was nice to sit in the shelters and brew up

It looked like we would get a belting sunset but cloud swallowed up the sun,a bit of nice glow but a no show, the temperature dropped quickly

A Summit to Eat meal in two wraps made an excellent filling meal,chased down with a few more brews and some Lakeland Toffee Vodka

The night brought another nip down to -3.8c and with no sunshine at camp we packed quickly and went to hunt for a way down the cliffs so we could cross the valley.The church at Outhgill had some lovely Yew trees at its entrance

We climbed up to Little Fell and then, into a strong wind,gusts at times too 50 mph , onto Wild Boar fell

From there we just followed the ridge along to Swarth Fell,hiding behind the wall for dinner

All that was left then was down hill to the cars

A nice 27 miles and 6500 ft of ascent 

Thanks for looking.......Safe travels peter


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