Blencathra summit camp,Nov 2023

It seemed a long time ago Jamie my brother asked about coming on a day walk with me (Covid seems to have confused time ) it was 3 yrs ago and now we were doing this trip and he was completing his Wainwright round of 214 peaks 

After our trip too Norway I said to Jamie if we got a good wknd he should use it to complete,last wknd was that wknd,the weather was great but another low was coming in on the Sunday

Autumn colours were in effect as we shouldered packs and headed upwards,into the Northern fells 

The good weather had many folk out,as we climbed in the warm sun,stopping to soak up the views as we did so 

First I lead him upto see Scales tarn and it’s Sharp edge.We ate lunch as a few mad folk went for a swim and folk started to cross Sharp edge,but first we had No 213 to tick off 

And there was 213 in the afternoon sunshine …….Mungrisdale common ….. a rather wet walk out,but we left the cold shade for the sunshine 

We followed a stream upwards,towards the summit,filling up with camp water,nice and high up the hill

Then after finding and following some water up as high as we could we found a nice spot to pitch on a thin patch of snow that had fallen the day before 

Durston Xmid 2

And then as the folk died away,Jamie collected his last Wainwright Blencathra …Congratulations again Jamie a little over 3 yrs and all done 

The temp followed the sun down and was soon showing -3c the slight wind giving it a little more bite..brew and tea eaten we jumped into down bags as we waited for the stars to come out 

The stars did come out but by 7pm ish a cold clag rolled in and the wind increased a little we had a few strolls about hoping for a photo window but none seemed to come.So we retreated to our shelters and I sat in my bag with another brew was the cold crystals covered both the inside and outside of my outer fly sheet 

Just after 6 am brought the first colour,but with it the clag had blown away but on a 20 mph wind pushing the windchill to -8 too -10c..nipping at finger ends as we snapped away some pictures 

As a treat we had both brought a fry up,having hoped to cook it outside but the wind had other ideas so careful cooking was needed as doors were down 


A late start and we followed the ridge along then dropped down in the biting wind,before heading back up to the car….by the time I got home at 1-30 pm the weather had arrived and heavy cold rain was falling

                        Thanks for looking,Safe travels Peter 



  1. Did you do the walk on the Friday or Saturday? We were in Pooley Bridge doing Milky Way shots across Ullswater on Saturday evening so if then I was suprised you didn't get any good star shots.

  2. Hi we were camped on Sat night,I did see online others caught some good clear skies at times..we just caught the cloud plenty more nights out yet.


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