MLD Duomid

 Mountain Laurel Designs Duomid,my love for my Trailstar is well known and wont fade in time,nor will i rush on to leave it for the new kid on the block.

But ! Id seen Matt Hollands duo and it looked very nice, so i begged a first refusal when he sold it.But late Dec 2014 saw me order the silnylon version,it only made one trip before Matt then decided to sell me his Cuben version,the Sill one sold in hours,so all was good

Pics above are from a camp on the Arrochar Alps in Scotland 

It landed at my house and was in its rightful element two days later,i was very impressed, took more pitching than the sill, but that soon went with practise 

First camp in Cuben on Grey Friar and below on the Rosset pike ridge line

Knoydart and below the 3 tarns pre storm camp

This camp near 3 tarns was to be one of the worse storms my old Duomid took,think it kicked off around 4 pm..winds from several directions and swirling around the crags..mixed in with rain/sleet and snow.Mat went out to check his pegging and later told us he recorded 60  mph while out,i can confirm i slept like a baby all night.It was still very nasty at 7 am when we decided to leave the next morning

View from a Fisherfield summit 

The camp above with Darron and Lee also saw us get  hit by 50 mph gusts for quite a few hours,the next day was calm and beautiful

L-R Duomid,Solomid and a Lair 

Roll on 3 years and i decided to sell it on and buy one of the new versions,which is now longer and wider,plus comes with extra tye out points .Pitched to the floor it took a  54-55 Inch pole and measured hook too hook 65" deep and 108" long
 Another big plus for good gear is that i got back as much as i paid for it off Matt !

Luckily for me it arrived in less than 6 wks from ordering,the postman brought it to my front door ! A happy man i was 

Ive checked over it and it is perfectly built with not a stitch or seam out of place.Gone is the flap over the zip, replaced with,i think, a stronger and waterproof zip

I cut the yellow 2.7mm cord at 24 " then i folded it back 3" to make a peg loop,these work for me and also take my winter Blizzard pegs too.You could have the other guy lines shorter but cord weight is never a great thing .Once threaded through the line locks i just put a simple knot on the end,which helps pulling them tight 

On this new one i requsted another line lock on the left hand door, not often used but does allow me to tye either door back,i ordered same on the XL i ordered 
I like to sit in it with both doors wide open and to help with this i fit a 4" piece of 6mm bungy cord to the internal roof loop,with a short loop of 1.5mm on the end .
Onto this i fit a 9ft length of Rons 1.5 mm cord & mini linelock,this runs out of the roof vent to the centre door peg and gives the shelter more stability when both doors are wide open.The long length also means if weathers very bad i can unloop it and fasten it to the top, outside,roof loop, and run it out and away from the shelter,if i think it needs it

Another big change is the cap and vent,on my old one and on my XL version the velcro would never match up so i could shut it up tight.I know others have had this issue too,but i can confirm the new vent shuts perfectly 

Ive fully guide out the shelter but think i will only keep all guy line points on for winter months.For these i used the same 1.5mm cord all looped both ends,easier to remove if needs be & a mini linelock
The three mid point lines ive made 5 ft long and the higher four corner ones 6 ft 

Only mod i need to do is to fit bigger "toggles" on the door tye back s as i fing the small ones hard to move when its cold 

 Bare and as delivered the Duomid weighed 410g the bag was 16g when fully guide out and in its bag it now weighs 491g 

I wasnt sure about doing this post but ive been asked before,im not one for doing reviews.I know what works for me, but believe lots of gear we use also need sthe user to have some hill sense and experince many seem to write reviews these days,even if there testing involved only a weeks worth of testing !

 Safe travels any questions,just ask  Peter


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