Sweden Artic circle Day 3 & 4

I,d had a good nights sleep as the next day dawned nicely as i looked out of my shelter doorway.Making it a lovely start while we brewed and ate breakfast,we were soon packing up,ready to see more of this stunning land.
Lee had even managed to capture some Northern lights footage over night,by leaving his Gopro running all night 

Treadlites packing cubes made packing and organising the pack so much easier and quicker

Once moving we headed south,following the river Vierrojohka,it was full and noisy and made a nice line to follow as we slowly climbed in height

As the day progressed it clouded over but the high tops still stayed clear 

The river was a joy to follow up the valley with many falls and gorges as it tumbled downwards

Gruesome three as we aprroach unoccupied huts at Endast 2 bäddar (Mårmastugan)

It was cooler now so we decided to use the hut and put a brew on to have with our lunch

Toilet witha view !

 As we got level with the Moarhmmáglaciären,glacier, the temp dropped a bit more and the wind picked up a bit, a large snow bridge aided us across the upper reaches of the river

So this pass was to end up being our highest point on this trek at 1600m it was cold and windy so after regrouping and taking pics we set off down into the next valley

A "Dab" ?! for my daughter Sarah 

The descent down was tough on huge boulders,hopping and stretching from one to the next with deep dark holes peering up at us.
We had roughly planned to camp just North of Vássajávri lake,but the wind had picked up much more now and was swirling around,i left the boys at one spot and found another for myself...but just before i pitched they came and found me to say the ground was to weak and the strong swirling winds were pulling there pegs out

So a long tough day, now became a bit longer, with no suitable pitches to be found anywhere else we decided to push on over the South shoulder of Vássanjunnji
It was a tiring few hours but as we started to drop,we found a spot just above Vássaloamijávri lake.
It was a very windy pitch but it was flat and fit 3 Trailstars plus we found fresh running water near by 

 I think it was nearly 6-30 pm by the time we had our shelters up,we then had to find boulders to help secure pegs against the strong winds,below us a large herd of deer were feeding away seemingly unmoved by the gusting wind and rain. 
  The day came in 19.2k and had started at 7.38 am and finished at 18.38 pm so tea was soon consumed along with a few nice brews as the wind fairly roared above us,but we were snug and secure in our limpet like Trailstars

Camp 3 at 1100m  19.2 k


So day 4 dawned with no sunshine but the wind had at least died down,plus it had dried the shelters off nicely 

We were to have a shorter day today, with the planned camp to be just below the 2nd peak from the right in the distance 

So we had taken a Westerly bearing from camp heading up the East side of the Visttasággi valley,it was alovely little trail and the views as it cleared out up the Stor Reaiddávággi valley were eye tingling !

The river crossing pics lower down were crossing the river you can see in the far distance cutting in from the East side

A plug for Basecamp foods who helped us out with meals for the trip 😛

We are all much happier than we probably look in this picture 

Mr Holland taking in the views

I know this trip report,is even picture heavy by my normal amounts,but these posts are for me too look back at,as much as they are for others to read.
This area was just so picturesk,its a shame we could not have waited longer for the better weather to push through

Id not wanted to visit or pass any huts on our trek but Lee and Matt wanted to nip in for a brew,and i have the will power of a natt where food is involved !
As we were about to enter Matt asked if anyone had seen his camera !! We all looked around and Matt shot off back up the trail but came back with a look of gloom ....
Luckily a research of his pack found it hiding in a different pocket...he was a happy camper again

Some of the huts sell food and snacks you can eat there or pack out...sadly the tin of Meatballs was shouting "Eat me".So it was soon on the hut stove 

Another heavy shower hit us as we crossed the bridge and headed up the valley,but as it worked out it was to be the last one of the day and the blue came out in the sky

Matt below front peak of Kuggjulskammen

As we made miles up this stunning valley,if you looked up above you..it looked like a seen form Lord of the Rings

Lee above and me below crossing the lively stream coming down from behind the peak of Nállu

The pitch was picked as it was the pic of Geoff and his lovely Twonkett Chrissie camping here that really made me want to come here to see it for myself 

The mountain behind is Tjäktjatjåkka at 1820m,not a bad back drop to have for camp 

So after we had all settled down to wash and feed ourselves it was strange to hear my name called out at 11 pm,but good old Lee had been keeping an eye out,and for the second night we got some more Northern lights !!!

 A great end to the day,much shorter than the previous days at 13 k


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